Karen Fashana


Ok so let’s rewind a bit here. I actually grew up in Williamsville and was a lifelong suburbanite. In 2007, I made the move to the city and lived off Hertel for a few years. It was an instant love affair with what the city had to offer. The stunning woodwork in our apartment, the cozy fireplace, the proximity to bars and restaurants…really GOOD bars and restaurants for that matter, oh and the cheap rent. After the wedding bells rang, my husband and I decided we’d look no further than North Buffalo. We scored a stunning one family home that checked off every item on our wish list.

Karen_FashanaSo want to know a little bit more about me? I’m in the marketing field and feel fortunate to absolutely love what I do for a living (they don’t call that work, do they?). I’ve become a self-titled foodie in recent years, love to shop, enjoy a leisurely jog at the Park whenever I can and as a relatively new homeowner, have taken a liking to gardening (although I’m still trying to remember the difference between a perennial and an annual).

City-livin’ is where it’s at. I can’t help but sing Hertel Avenue’s praises and want to share my North BuffaLOVE with you, one blog post at a time.

2 thoughts on “Karen Fashana

  1. Pingback: Leave the money. Take the cannoli. | Hello Hertel

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